CDHR Engagement Meetings with Focal Persons and Community Stakeholders
CDHR held Interactive Sessions with focal persons and community stakeholders on the Gender and Land
The organisations is focusing on the contribution towards building a society (Sierra Leone) where people’s rights and aspirations are promoted and respected and where governance is inclusive and participatory at all levels.
As a human rights advocacy organization we will employ the following strategies:
Focusing on the contribution towards building a society
Based on our experiences working with different communities in the country, and following the critical analysis of the challenges and prevailing country context as explained above (Section 3), as well as for the purposes of this Strategic Plan, we have resolved that Sierra Leone is typified by the following four main challenges. These are the strategic issues that CDHR will direct all its energy, time, and resources in the next three years when a strategic review will have been done to determine the next course of our engagements.
CDHR held Interactive Sessions with focal persons and community stakeholders on the Gender and Land
The joint evaluation workshop of CDHR/CPS project with staff and AGIAMONDO coordination team in Makeni
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