Centre For Democracy and Human Rights (CDHR) is one of four organizations (KADDRO, AIUDO and Trocaire) implementing the project Title: Empowered Kambia Civil Society, Women and Youth Influence Agricultural Production and Sustainable Income Development in Kambia District. It is a two year six months project being supported by the European Union. The project started in November 2019 and will end in June 2022.

It is being implemented in the following 30 communities in Kambia District:

  • Matesor, Bureya, Mafufneh, Kagbate, and Mathaka in Samu Chiefdom
  • Yankasa,Kamalo, Tapetok,Romando and Rokthegbeh in Mambolo Chiefdom
  • Kirrma-Bana, Masimera,Kamba,Kania and Lalgberay in Masungbala Chiefdom
  • Katherie, Masunthu, Malikia, Forekaria and Matendineh in Tonko Limba Chiefdom
  • Sabuya and N’baindia in Bramaia Chiefdom
  • Kelfalaya, Kabaya and Duramanya in Khonimakha Chiefdom
  • Kapairoh, Romacca and Fonkoya in Magbema Chioefdom
  • Massimbo and Rotifunk in Dixon Chiefdom

The overall objective is to support equitable growth, poverty reduction, democratisation and long-term stability in Sierra Leone.

The Specific objective of this project is: Strengthening the capacity of Civil Society Actors to increase women’s and Young people’s voice, Influence, and contribution in Agricultural production and sustainable income development and hold the District Council and other Government Bodies to Account in Kambia.

In order to achieve the above, Trocaire is providing technical support to the three partners in the area of capacity building, while KADDRO and AIUDO are providing Livelihood support in the area of agricultural inputs and income generating activities to the beneficiaries. CDHR’s ’role in the consortium has to do with gender equality, women’s participation, governance and advocacy issues

Each partner is contributing to the following four intermediate Outcomes:

Intermediate Outcome (iO1): Local CSOs (KADDRO, AIUDO & CDHR) have enhanced managerial, organisational, technical and financial capacities to effectively support women’s and youth’s inclusion and participation in agricultural development processes and local governance. (Trocaire)

Intermediate Outcome (iO2): Women and young farmers have improved knowledge, skills and access to resources to participate in income generating agricultural production and value chain development. (KADDRO and AIUDO)

Intermediate Outcome (iO3): Women and youth have increased access to financial resources and more sustainable income and savings.(KADDRO)

Intermediate Outcome (iO4): Women and youth are participating in decision-making and oversight at community and district level, leading to improved local governance.(CDHR)

Below are the activities CDHR is implementing in this project:

  • Civic Education on Policies and Laws developed by Government (National Land
  • Policy, National Youth Policy, the Gender Laws, Sexual Offences Act, Local Government Act, Basic Human Rights etc.)
  • Training women and youth on Leadership and public speaking
  • Training community facilitator on Adult Literacy Methods and Techniques(Reading, Writing and Numeracy Skills )
  • Facilitate the conduct of adult Literacy classes
  • Rolling Out the Masidama Manual to re-examine and De-construct Harmful Social norms within the project communities
  • Quarterly Engagement session with wider community stakeholder
  • Facilitate experience sharing and networking between FBO Representatives at Chiefdom Level
  • Facilitate Round Table Dialogue between FBO Representatives and Government/other Agencies
  • Training FBOs on Monitoring and Social Accountability Tools
  • Training Ward Committee members (WDCs) on their Roles and Responsibilities, Monitoring and Social Accountability