CDHR succesfully launched the new project “Promoting Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment and Participation in Northern Sierra Leone” funded by the German Embassy Freetown, Sierra Leone. The project objective is to increase the commitment of duty bearers for the enforcement of national policies at local level through lobbying to end harmful traditional practices. Further it promotes women’s rights, gender equality, women’s political participation and leadership aspirations in the northern and north western regions of Sierra Leone. The project is implemented until the end of the year in the 4 districts of Kambia, Port Loko, Bombali and Tonkolili on district, chiefdom and community level targeting 2260 direct beneficiaries and 10576 indirect beneficiaries. For more information also follow us on facebook.
Project launch in Makeni.
Project launch in Magburaka.
Project Launch in Kambia.
Project Launch in Port Loko.